Isn't it amazing how the dajamou having an accident on the living room armchair can suck the joy out of an otherwise lovely day? My mood was ruined for a good hour after that.
Where's the village?
Isn't it amazing how the dajamou having an accident on the living room armchair can suck the joy out of an otherwise lovely day? My mood was ruined for a good hour after that.
I used to pride myself on my eloquence and writing style. I used to think, "Anyone can write well. People think it's so great that I write well. It's just because I read a lot, and I absorb the styles of the people I read. And I just write the way I think." I was humbly smug, and smugly humble.
Just because today was too beautiful not to share, and because any picture I take wouldn't do justice.
For the holiday we had a lovely visit with Babaloo and Nanabarb, as well as the dajadaddy's cousin (hereafter known as The Cuz) who's going to grad school at Virginia Tech and is therefore closer to us than to his family in Portland. So we get him for all those short holiday weekends that make a gazillion-dollar plane ticket so not worth it.
Right now, I can't remember if that was from the Violent Femmes or They Might Be Giants.
Bobita wrote a wonderfully thoughtful post on the responsibility of mothers to "live the change" in attitudes towards body image, both for themselves and for their daughters. I wholeheartedly support this kind of disussion and dialogue among women everywhere. But what tickled me most was in her invitation for comments at the end of the post, where she said "DO NOT VEX ME."
The dajadaddy and I watched Serenity again tonight. God I love that movie. It's just so much fun. My beloved husband particularly appreciates the brand of sarcasm that the captain, Mal, uses. After one particularly cutting and hilarious line, he paused the DVD just to take extra time to admire it.
I've been ripping all my CD's into iTunes (again!! Damn those hard drive crashes) and I was all set to write this post about how old and dated my collection is. But I remembered about an hour ago that Laid Off Dad already did it. I guess that aspiring to emulate such fabulous writing ain't so bad, but something else has taken the place of my lameness in my attentions.
The gauges and dials on the van's dashboard just randomly stop working, then randomly start working again. Natch, every time we take it to the mechanic, they start working.
Someone, a month or so ago, posted on their blog about old-fashioned expressions that should be brought back into vogue. My current candidate: "By Jove!"
About 6 months ago, I discovered/decided/self-diagnosed that I am suffering from mild to moderate depression. However, instead of immediately getting help, I did what I usually do: I read about it a lot. And I waited for that moment you always see in TV shows and movies about people in various kinds of mental/emotional trouble: that epiphany, that rock-bottom moment when the character sets her jaw, squares her shoulders, and sets out on a new and (at least it's implied) healthier path in life.
I was going to post something deep and heartfelt and probably a bit whiney about friendship and yearning for community and all that. And I probably will sometime. But this NaBloPoMo thing is kicking my ass. Not so much the posting thing, because I've already screwed that. (Unless I win the consolation prize, which I highly doubt.) No, my problem is that so freaking many of the people on my blogroll are participating.
I had taken a shower this evening and let my hair fall where it would without interference. I also took out my contacts in anticipation of going to bed. But then we remembered it was Monday and that meant Heroes was on, and duh, of course we're going to watch it! So I went and got my glasses.
The Founding Mother of NaBloPoMo, M(rs) Kennedy herself, has had problems with Blogger choking on her posts. So I know I'm not alone.
Ever since Wednesday morning's election results, I've had this kind of Bossanova chant in my head: "Democrats beat Republi-CANS! Casey beat Santo-RUM! We got the house and the Se-NATE!" Work with me, sing it sotto voce and you'll get the rhythm, maybe do a little step-step-step-kick around the house for good measure.
The month isn't even 10 days old and I've cocked up the whole NaBloPoMo thing. But I'm going to keep trying because at least it will get me to write.
How can I vote responsibly and intelligently, when reading almost any kind of news story just brings on another bout of depression? I have totally stopped listening to news on the radio, watching any kind of local or national news TV, reading news sites on the Internets. Occasionally a newspaper headline will turn up somewhere I can't avoid it. And even that just makes me shudder and try even harder to avoid.
Time to stop watching TV. At least, I should stop watching it when I've had 2 glasses of wine. I saw that Hennessey commercial where they talk about character? And they say something like "If you have to ask, you don't have it."
Dajamou's birthday party was today. It went well but now I'm exhausted. Once again I tried to do too much (or, at least, put off the if-I'm-honest-not-very-involved to do list until too late).
Here's the post I tried to do yesterday:
I've already screwed up NaBloPoMo because when I tried to post yesterday, I couldn't get through to Blogger. And then I forgot about trying again later.
So lately the dajamou has been asking me how God made the world. Now, we don't go to church much, and we don't really talk about it around the house. I think she's seen maybe a reference or two on PBS, but they're usually pretty light on the proselytizing. So I'm not sure where she got this, but in the spirit of unschooling or homeschooling or afterschooling or just plain old encouraging curiosity, I went out and got her a book from the library with all different kinds of creation myths. I figured I'd teach her that different people believe different things, and some people don't even believe in God, while some people think there are lots of Gods and Goddesses, etc. etc.