Forecasting by Dajamou.
"I wonder how old you're going to be when you can play all by yourself."
"That's probably the most depressing thing you've ever said to me."
Where's the village?
"I wonder how old you're going to be when you can play all by yourself."
I had this totally messed up dream last night in which I was staying at a B&B and this suave, 50-ish guy with prematurely white hair (it's some actor, I can freakin' see him in my head but I can't even think of what he's been in recently so I can't IMDb him*) made a totally obvious pass at me. As in, trying to dance with me and rubbing his hard-on against me! Which, let me tell you, hardly ever happened to me even before I got married. And when he put his hand on my ass I grabbed his hand and tossed it away from me, said, "You may not," and walked away angrily. Yes, I remember that in my dream I walked away angrily. If I were taller it would have been stalking away angrily but I'm only five-four and you can't pull that off with legs that only come up to here instead of there.
Every single time I flip to TBS this weekend it's come to the exact same scene in The Mexican where Brad Pitt says "Maybe he does sit naked in his garage soaking in gasoline and lighting matches, I dunno."
OK, so most times? Most times, when I think about it, I'm scared to death of having more children. The dajamou is wonderful, she's creative, she tells me she loves me several times a day, and she totally. wears. me. out. And I'm thinking, more? More of them would just wear me out faster, more often, and in all new creative ways. Add to that the fact that my mother is an identical triplet, and you've got grounds for drool and the jacket with the extra-long sleeves.
My roof isn't leaking. I've still got my man, my kid and my dog. I'm not out of food or booze. The law isn't after me.
It's been a relatively warm, mild winter in Pittsburgh this year, which while good for our heating bill, is not as high on the loveliness scale as some good old-fashioned new-fallen snow.
And a whirlwind holiday it was, with Christmas at Babbaloo's, a day and a half at home, then off to Portland to ring in the New Year. This time the Dajadaddy got to come too, for the first time since we moved to da Burgh almost three years ago. It was wonderful as usual to see everyone, and we ate at almost all of our favorite restaurants too.