
Where's the village?

Monday, July 31, 2006

Too damn hot.

It has been relentlessly humid in the Burgh for the past forever. The other day? It was in the 70s. I had been looking forward to the other day. But it was still so humid, that even in the 70s I could barely breathe, much less do anything productive. It's just been too hot. Too hot to cook. Too hot to clean. Too hot to play with the dajamou. Too hot to do laundry. And, since the laptop is in the kitchen, the hottest room in the house even when I don't cook, too hot to blog.

None of which explains why today, when it's in the 90s and still humid enough to feel like a second skin, I decided to make a double batch of popcorn in the hot air popper and bake some herb bread. No. That, my friends, is explained by the fact that it's the lead-up to TTOTM* and I'm hormonal and thus craving salty, savory comfort food. Bring on the starches!

*TTOTM = That Time Of The Month. Score yourself 10 bonus points if you figured it out without looking.


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